Thursday 2 February 2012

Malicious Android applications.

Symantec is warning users of Android smartphones about a new group of malicious applications on the Android Market that contain a Trojan designed to steal information and possibly open a back door on Android devices.
This is an ongoing situation since the first quarter of 2011 and according to Symantec, this malicious code was found in most of the Android applications written by iApps7 Inc. and Ogre Games.

Once installed, the applications contain the Trojan, which is designed to be a “bot-like threat that can receive commands to carry out certain actions as well as steal information from the device,” wrote Ifran Asrar, a researcher with Symantec Security Response.  The malicious applications ask users for a variety of permissions, including access to information about networks, GPS location, and read/write access to the user’s browsing history and bookmarks.

Victims with an infection will see a search icon on the home screen. In addition to stealing the device’s MAC Address, SIM serial number and IMEI number, the Trojan can download additional files and display advertisements.   Haley said the stolen data could be used to clone the phone and make long distance calls. The more interesting piece, according to Haley is the ability of the cybercriminals to run adware on the phone and download anything they want onto the phone, including additional malware.

Thank you.
Matebese S.


  1. I think you are wasting your precious time with this crap you should be working on your masters topic.

  2. Maybe this is part of it too.
